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This paper is from Session 1A: Working cooperatively to promote Statistical literacy
which comes under Topic 1: Working cooperatively in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 14:00-15:30)

Communicating statistics to the media: telling the story behind the numbers



  • John Flanders


Statistics Canada, like most statistical agencies, places great importance on communicating with the media, because the media provide a gateway to the general public. Our challenge is twofold: to engage the interest of journalists in our data, surreptitiously raising the level of their statistical literacy and to sensitize our statisticians to the value of presenting statistics in a manner which the journalist, as a layperson, can understand. The paper will outline the various approaches that Statistics Canada has taken to meet this twofold challenge and will discuss our experiences in training both journalists and statisticians to tell the story behind the numbers.