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This paper is from Session 1A: Working cooperatively to promote Statistical literacy
which comes under Topic 1: Working cooperatively in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 14:00-15:30)

The Worth of Data: the tale of an experience for promoting and improving statistical literacy



  • Paola Giacché


Istat, the Italian national statistical institute, in co-operation with professors of statistics, scientific societies and experts in web communication, produced The Worth of Data, hypertext materials for promoting and improving statistical literacy. We present the experience from two viewpoints: (i) the process for designing and implementing hypertext; (ii) and the ways selected for improving statistical literacy. The first aspect involved the decision to focus on the concept of awareness: not only as to when and how to use statistical data, but also on how to be discerning about sources, their quality and reliability. The second aspect concerned the language and confirmed that to deliver content in plain language, without losing scientific precision, is indeed a difficult task. To achieve good results, it is necessary to make use of the various skills within a good team. Each expert should give up a little turf and contribute knowledge to attain a common outcome worth communicating.