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This is a session of Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level             Full topic list

(Friday 7th, 10:30-12:30)

The use of technology to enhance the teaching of statistics at school level



Although the uses of technology in statistics vary widely, the four papers in this session have much in common. They all explore how statistical visualization software can affect students and teachers’ ideas about distributions, variation and inference. The authors of all four studies believe in the ideas of exploratory data analysis (EDA) as an important starting point for students, but they are all also interested in the ways in which students begin to learn about inference and sampling. Each paper includes a careful analysis of the details of the language students and teachers develop to communicate about their evolving ideas. Together, these four papers present rich insights into the potential of visualization tools to change the teaching of statistics.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
2D1Using TinkerPlots to scaffold students’ informal inference and argumentationDani Ben-Zvi (Israel)
2D2Working styles and obstacles: computer-supported collaborative learning in statisticsRolf Biehler (Germany)
2D3Exploring informal inference with interactive visualization softwareAndee Rubin (United States)
James K Hammerman
Cliff Konold
2D4Using technology to support diagrammatic reasoning about center and variationArthur Bakker (United Kingdom)
Cliff Konold
Jan Derry