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   (Thursday 6th, 16:00-18:00)

An interactive CD-ROM to teach statistics applied to health notions to students in the fundamental schooling


Maria Lucia Marçal Mazza Sundefeld, Ariane Vieira Guimarães, Cleide dos Anjos Santos, Gustavo Kendi Kavano, Adriana Beatriz S P Fernandes, Isabel Cristina Lui Poi



The Brazilian students of about 12 years old, in two Fundamental Schooling 6th grade classes of each of the three public schools willing to participate of the project of testing CD-Rom, to be used by all students of this grade in Araçatuba, SP, Brazil. The main of this paper is to offer a tool, a CD-Rom, to help the 6th grade students to learn about statistics and health. The assessment test and questionnaire were applied before and after the use of the CD-Rom, in order to have the results compared. Means, percentage, and graphs are included in the 6th grade curriculum, thus these were the topics explored in the interactive software program. Developed using the software Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and illustrated in a cheerful way, it presented using positive motivation. Comparing the results of the questionnaires we conclude the efficiency of this tool to help students to learn notions on basic statistics based in health subjects.