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This paper is from Session 8D: History and the teaching of Statistics
which comes under Topic 8: Other determinants & developments in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 16:00-18:00)

Parallels, similarities and differences in teaching Statistics during the 20th century in Colombia and Mexico



  • Roberto Behar Gutiérrez


The evolution of teaching Statistics in the past century in México and Colombia is presented, emphasizing the parallels and differences. Two stories are told, pointing out common events and similarities, in order to show the exogenous forces and the local contributions to the development of statistics in these countries. The main local contributions to the teaching of statistics in higher education in the 20th century are identified. Finally, several strategic ways of improving the teaching of Statistics for non-statisticians in Latin-American countries are summarized, considering the particular historic context. We propose an approach considering the global and the local historic arguments to promote the value of statistics in the development of modern society.