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This paper is from Session 8B: Statistics and the law
which comes under Topic 8: Other determinants & developments in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 14:00-15:30)

Statistics in court: the ultimate communication challenge



Statistical teachers and consultants must target their explanations to meet the level of their audience. When statistics are placed within a legal court setting, three audiences must be addressed; the barrister, the judge and the jury. In the adversarial system the statistical expert will present evidence in chief and then be subjected to cross examination. In a pre-trial (voir dire) a judge will determine whether or not he will allow evidence to be presented before the jury; he/she may consider it to be too confusing for his/her jury or he may be concerned at the prejudicial weight of small probabilities. Drawing on real experiences, suggestions are made of how teaching and communication in a court setting can best be implemented. Reference is also made to the different models of deliberation practised by jurors.