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This paper is from Session 8B: Statistics and the law
which comes under Topic 8: Other determinants & developments in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 14:00-15:30)

A direct method of statistics teaching in labour, social, juridical or economic studies



  • Esteban Navarrete-Álvarez
  • María Jesús Rosales-Moreno
  • Maravillas Vargas-Jiménez
  • Francisco Abad-Montes


Statistics teaching cannot be done in the same way for all kinds of university pupils, especially without changing the kind of studies that they have seen. For example, it is not the same for students of Sciences or Engineering as for students of any Social or Juridical field. We address this kind of pupil (Social, Juridical, Labour or even Economics). We attempt a direct approach: from any situation or real supposition with real data, extract from such field several questions of interest that should adapt to statistics language, then solve with the necessary statistics instruments, explaining such to students in that moment, if necessary, and, finally, returning to the beginning, to give an interpretation of the results, taking into account the pupils’ area of studies or professional orientation.