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This paper is from Session 5G: Statistics education in the financial and actuarial world
which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education and the wider society             Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 16:00-18:00)

Statistics and Finance: living on the ‘hedge’



  • Ruth Mateos de Cabo


Statistics plays a leading role in finance. The explosive development of increasingly complex markets makes it more and more difficult for practitioners to correctly value financial asset. Statistical analysis has become a powerful tool for a better market valuation, taking a leading role in the development of new financial products that try to hedge the increasing amount of risks that an investor has to take. Statistics knowledge demand is steadily increasing in Hedge Funds, Investment Banking and Financial Institutions in general, where statistics students could developed a professional career. Finance can be seen as a way to motivate students on the applications of almost any statistical tool we would like to teach them, since we could always find an example where these techniques are put into practice.