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This paper is from Session 5B: Statistics education and the statistics profession
which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education and the wider society             Full topic list

(Monday 3rd, 10:30-12:30)

Statistics education and the communication of statistics: A report on the IASE/ISI satellite meeting, 2005



The International Association for Statistical Education, IASE, has a very strong commitment to the general development of statistical educators including research and the sharing of ideas and experiences. In particular the IASE/ISI satellite meetings are always very friendly, informative affairs as was the one in Sydney April 4-5, 2005. The theme was Statistics Education and the Communication of Statistics, it was jointly organised by the IASE and the Victorian Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia and immediately preceded the ISI session in Sydney. The theme of the conference was chosen because some IASE members felt that the communication of statistical methods and results needed more emphasis in our courses and wished to draw the attention of statistics educators to this area to encourage development and innovation. This paper summarises the main points the speakers made and the main issues that emerged.