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This paper is from Session 5A: Statistical literacy: concepts, gaps, indicators
which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education and the wider society             Full topic list

(Thursday 6th, 10:30-12:30)

What kind of statistical culture is offered by the Mexican educational system?



  • Fortino Escareño Soberanes


Societies today are immersed in transformations and transitions filled with uncertainty. More treaties are signed every day with the purpose to open markets between different countries. There is a growth in consumer tendencies. Citizens can participate more and more in processes of decision making. The media makes use of statistics to promote commercial products and goods, to communicate the benefits that certain traditionally marginalized social groups have gained, and to design indices to show changes in the popularity of political candidates. While everybody can access this information, the processes involved in the calculation of numbers and indices is seldom explicit. It is thus important to ask what is being done in schools to enable young students and future citizens to understand and value statistical information. This talk will describe research in progress aiming to investigate the kind of statistical education offered at the elementary and middle levels in Mexico, through an analysis of educational materials and students’ knowledge.