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This paper is from Session 1C: Co-operative efforts involving Statistics and Mathematics education
which comes under Topic 1: Working cooperatively in Statistics education             Full topic list

(Wednesday 5th, 11:00-12:30)

Statistics and Mathematics: is it possible to create fruitful links?



Statistics is generally taught in schools as part of the mathematical curriculum and, as a result, statistics is perceived as a mathematical concept. Moreover, the teaching emphasis is often placed on the computation of statistical information instead of the development of an “ authentic data analysis point of view” (Cobb, 1999). In this paper we consider whether a constructive relationship between statistics and mathematics is possible? We examine examples of statistical teaching situations and analyze them both from a mathematical content point of view and from a statistical perspective, to point out that the interaction between mathematics and statistics is in fact feasible/(practicable). To achieve this, it is necessary to complete a mathematical conceptual analysis of statistical concepts. It is essential to highlight the mathematical concepts beneath the statistical concepts in order to link both of them in creating classroom activities.