This paper is from Session 1B: Co-operative efforts involving Statistics, local culture and consumers
which comes under Topic 1: Working cooperatively in Statistics education Full topic list

(Tuesday 4th, 14:00-15:30)
The first internship program organized by the Statistics Division in the history of Pakistan
The educational system in Pakistan is pre-dominantly textbook-oriented, and as far as the Master of Science (MSc) level programs in Statistics are concerned, by and large, connections with the government or industry are not cultivated. In view of the importance of exposing Masters-level students to professional settings, the Department of Statistics at Kinnaird College for Women, Lahore approached the Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan requesting an Internship Program for the very first batch of the MSc Statistics students at Kinnaird College. This paper presents the salient features of the program which exposed students to three largest data-collecting organizations of the country, i.e., the Federal Bureau of Statistics, the Agriculture Census Organization, and the Population Census Organization. Feedback received from the students as well as from the Statistics Division testifies to the usefulness and significance of the Program, the very first of its kind in the history of Pakistan.