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   (Monday 3rd, 10:30-12:30)

Statistical analysis of the graduation courses of the campus of Castanhal - UFPA


Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos, Adrilayne dos Reis Araújo, Silvia dos Santos de Almeida, Ana Cristina Alves Garcêz



This work presents the Statistical Analysis of the Graduation Courses in the Campus of Castanhal of the Federal University of Pará - UFPA in 2004. The results on the Statistical Analysis of the degree of satisfaction of the graduation courses of the Campus of Castanhal show that 65.33% of the students in relation to the infrastructure evaluate the laboratories of their courses as no appropriate to the objectives of their disciplines. In relation to course Coordination, 36.43% of the students evaluate that the coordinators of courses of the Campus of Castanhal don't stimulate organizations of events and 33.16% of the technicians that act in the courses don't get to solve the academic problems. During the application of the Multivariate Statistical Technique denominated Analysis of Correspondence existence of the relationship is verified between the course and degree of the student's satisfaction by the course, where it is evidenced that the students of the Course of Mathematics are unsatisfied with his/her course. Relating the degree of the student's satisfaction for UFPA, it is noticed that no student feels very satisfied with UFPA, however the students of the Course of Pedagogy possess a small satisfaction relationship for the institution, but this relationship is very larger in the students of the Course of Veterinary Medicine.