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(Tuesday 4th, 12:30-14:00)(Friday 7th, 12:30-14:00)

Young Latin American researchers in Statistics education

(Portuguese and Spanish)



Starting research in Statistics Education in Latin America is a difficult task. Despite the increasing number of researchers in this field, the fact is that research groups are spread far and wide. There are few opportunities to make contact or even to identify suitable problems that lead to relevant study in this area. New researchers often have to pioneer work alone in their own institutions or countries. There is a consequential need to travel abroad to initiate collaborative research. Language is an added obstacle for young researchers in Latin America since most existing working groups in Statistics Education use English or French as communication language.

The aim of this forum is to facilitate communication among people with the same interests, to create links that serve to reinforce our work and to develop progressively our own Latin American Statistics Education Research Group. A permanent Internet Forum (a virtual community) and a discussion panel during ICOTS7, will be organised in Portuguese and Spanish to help achieve these aims. Possible themes include: discussing our research specialties, informing about innovative material used by some of us, exchanging bibliography, contacting people working on similar problems, discussing results from our current work, and exchanging views on the difficulties we are facing. We hope such dialogue and exchange with colleagues doing research in Statistics Education will help us grow as researchers. We plan to continue this forum after ICOTS to provide a permanent arena for discussion.

The ICOTS7 organizers are providing the opportunity for us to meet face to face in Salvador in order to reinforce the connections in the group, to clarify lines of research and to define future strategies. People interested in this forum are welcome to contact either of the organisers.