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(Monday 3rd, 12:30-14:00)(Tuesday 4th, 18:00--)

Training Mathematics teachers to teach Statistics in Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries

(Portuguese and Spanish)



The two sessions in this Special Interest Group will be in Spanish and in Portuguese, allowing for cultural and linguistic diversity. The main goal of the sessions will be to initiate discussion and the exchange of teaching experiences among persons working in statistics teacher education. Avenues for future collaboration in joint research and/or publication will be explored. It must be emphasised that it is not intended to have oral presentation of papers during the two sessions. Instead, the aim will be to build relations among people working in the same domain and whose cultures and/or languages can be easily connected.

The training of teachers in the countries represented will be discussed; common features, differences and important initiatives will be identified as well as future research themes in the countries.

The organisation of the sessions will be as follows:
  • Each participant will present his/her interest in the theme and his/her research (limited to 5 minutes with only one slide);
  • Discussion of future work in order to provide joint research opportunities and publication;
  • Distribution of a contact list to facilitate communication among participants in future.