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   (Friday 7th, 14:00-15:30)

Designing a study process of the central limit theorem for engineers


Hugo Alvarado, Carmen Batanero



In this paper we analyse the meaning planned by a teacher to introduce the Central Limit Theorem to engineers. This meaning takes into account the nature of variables and different approaches to the distribution of the sum or random variables. The planning of teaching is based on the mathematical knowledge about the theorem and the theoretical framework about semiotic functions, which is currently been developed at the University of Granada, Spain. The different elements of meaning for this theorem were characterised after the analysis of a sample of University statistics textbooks, the study of the theorem evolution along history and previous research related to its understanding. The didactic proposal incorporates simulation with manipulative materials and the @Risk Software (Risk analyser for Microsoft Excel). Results from this work will serve to improve the correct application of different elements of meaning for central limit theorem when solving engineering problems and to prepare new didactic proposals to teach statistics to engineers.