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   (Friday 7th, 10:30-12:30)

Learning objects and blended learning: an example of a continuing education course



Faced with a new generation of students who are used to exploiting the possibilities of the computer, we need a new type of education that will reflect a rethinking of content, form and duration. In the future, education will be in the form of “voucher systems”. You get a set of vouchers and use them to attend the specific chunk of a study programme you need whenever and wherever it suits you. If the providers are to meet these requirements, the task of developing new courses and tailoring these to new students must be manageable. We therefore propose a new type of research-based courses. These are structured around “Learning Objects”, short complete education sessions, which may be combined in various ways according to the student’s interests and levels. We combine the Learning Objects with “blended learning” and the ideas are tried out in research-based continuing education in applied statistics.