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   (Wednesday 5th, 11:00-12:30)

The living Census



What is a Census? What purpose does a Census serve? How should a Census be conducted? What conclusions can be drawn from a Census? What consequences does a Census have for me? These are some of the questions that we intend to address in the Project entitled, The Living Census. This project will consist of the following four distinct phases: Discovering Portugal, Getting to Know the Community in which We Live, Dealing with the Data and finally, Taking Command. Each one of the phases of the project will consist of a series of activities where concepts in the area of mathematics, geography, and graphic arts, among others, will be introduced. These activities will then be put together in the form of a Guidebook of Practical Activities for The Living Census, to be distributed to all secondary schools in the country. Presenting The Living Census in the secondary career of these students will bring more awareness of the topic to the students and will encourage them to participate in civic activities, such as a census or an election.