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   (Friday 7th, 10:30-12:30)

The calculadora estadistica for present and distance learning


Renata G S Gomes, Ronei M De Moraes, Liliane dos S Machado



Discussions about distance learning are not a novelty. In the last years, several systems to support learning were proposed and developed, some of them based on the Internet. For statistics teaching, as in other areas, there are many systems for distance learning in the web that only present a digital version of the traditional classes’ content. Besides of the information access, these systems do not present a function to help the student in his doubts or a function to teach step-by-step for some concepts. Systems with this approach only present the simulation of some situations, or only detect mistakes, or refuse the operation and provide information about the user mistakes. In this paper we present a system to support statistics teaching that joins all of these features: help students by pointing out his mistakes and by teaching the correct steps. The system can be used for present or distance learning and it is named Calculadora Estatística (Statistics Calculator).