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   (Monday 3rd, 16:00-18:00)

Diploma in applied biostatistics: an experience in continuing education


Irene Schiattino, Claudio Silva, Gabriel Cavada, Rodrigo Villegas, Rosa Montaño, Marinella Mazzei, Sergio Alvarado



This work describes the program “Diploma in Applied Biostatistics”(DAB) which is designed to train or to bring up to date in Biostatistics and its applications the teaching professionals and researchers in the fields of Public Health and Biomedicine. This program has been offered since the year 2001, and to this date 67 health sciences professionals have participated in it; 67% of them physicians. This is a continuing education program that combines in person teaching with online distance education and it is fully accredited by the University of Chile. DAB is currently organized into three modules of biostatistics applications that span a total of 269 hours. The program runs from June to December with 100 hours of “in attendance” instruction distributed into seven intensive periods of two days each (Friday and Saturday), and 169 hours of distance education, distributed into six periods.