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   (Thursday 6th, 16:00-18:00)

Attitudes toward Statistics and their relationship with short- and long-term exam results


Stijn Vanhoof, Ana Elisa Castro Sotos, Patrick Onghena, Lieven Verschaffel



This paper presents an empirical study that used the Attitudes Toward Statistics (ATS) scale (Wise, 1985) to investigate the relationship between attitudes toward statistics and short- and long-term statistics exam results for Flemish university students taking statistics courses in a five year Educational Sciences curriculum. The aim was to examine whether the previous reported relationship between attitudes toward statistics and first year statistics exam results also exists for later statistics exam results and general exam results. The results indicate that there indeed exists a relationship between attitudes toward statistics (at the beginning of the curriculum) and later statistics performance (indicated by the dissertation grade), but that this relation between attitudes and results is content-specific.