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   (Monday 3rd, 16:00-18:00)

The role of Statistics and Nutrition at Carlitos School (São Paulo, Brazil) — a pedagogical proposal for the statistics curriculum for the first years of basic school


Regina Albanese Pose, Mauro Fisberg, Adriana Marins Lima, Edson Marcos Leal Soares Ramos, Adrilayne dos Reis Araújo



This project aims at comprehending statistics and crossing themes in basic schooling. A team of teachers, a doctor, a nutritionist and statisticians are to carry it out. First, parents and employees are made aware through lectures on nutrition. Then, lunch and snacks offered at school are controlled. After that, classes on food nutrients, anthropometrical evaluations and double input tables will be executed. According to the diet offered, probabilities referring to BMI will be calculated. Functions will be used as mathematical models to express energy necessities. Menus will be developed according to the food pyramid, and caloric value will be evaluated according to linear algebra counting techniques. Final results are to be counted up and analyzed. An open software R will be used as technology support.