Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Friday 18th, 10:55-12:25)

The design of digital tools and technology-enhanced learning environments for teaching statistics


Session chair: Dave Pratt


In recent years there has been considerable development of technological tools to support the teaching and learning of statistics, including a broad focus on uncertainty. In particular, Fathom continues to provide advanced features and TinkerPlots 2 has added the facility to create models that generate data to the earlier provision around the manipulation and visualization of data.

Researching how these new tools impact on teaching and learning is challenging but it is clear that the notion of design must be extended to include the teaching schemes, lesson plans and activity structures within which the use of tools is embedded.

Thus this session will consider design, not only with respect to the tools themselves but also in relation to how those tools are used for teaching, learning and research. We therefore expect to discuss evidence about the relationship between the technological tools, the activity structures deployed and the consequential changes in thinking.

The scope of such an interest extends through all phases of education including not only children at school level but also pre-service and practising teachers as they learn to exploit such tools pedagogically.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
9A1Expressions of uncertainty when variation is partially-determinedJanet Ainley (United Kingdom)
David Pratt (United Kingdom)
9A2A learning trajectory on hypothesis testing with TinkerPlots – design and exploratory evaluationSusanne Podworny (Germany)
Rolf Biehler (Germany)
9A3Students’ emergent roles in developing their reasoning about uncertainty and modelingKeren Aridor-Berger (Israel)
Dani Ben-Zvi (Israel)