Technology in statistics education



Technology can play a central role in the education of our students at all levels. Access even to simple modern technical machinery can provide alternatives to mathematical manipulations for exploring fundamental statistics concepts. New visualization technologies can provide distinctive insights into the nature of data and data patterns which assist comprehension of information and inform judgement. Virtual environments offer access to authentic scientific inquiry through simulation and through interactive modes of data manipulation. The Internet provides access to data with rich structure that is of topical importance. Technology now enables educators to reinvent the statistics curriculum and to attain sustainable experience of engaging with uncertainty, in particular through acquisition of creative computing skills for evidence-based problem solving. Thus students can be prepared for collaborative cross-disciplinary partnerships and settings, and hence to advance in the modern technological workplace. These sessions explore how technology can radically impact what students can learn and how our teaching can be substantially enhanced.


9AThe design of digital tools and technology-enhanced learning environments for teaching statisticsDavid Pratt (United Kingdom)
9BModeling, randomization and simulation tools for connecting data and chanceHana Manor Braham (Israel)
Andrew Zieffler (United States)
9CThe emerging concepts of “data science” and “big data” for educational purposesRobert Gould (United States)
Hadley Wickham (United States)
9DE-learning, E-teaching and E-assessment in fully online, blended and open virtual web-based coursesMichelle Everson (United States)
Anelise Sabbag (United States)
9ESupporting teachers’ use of new statistics technology in their classrooms and development of their technological-pedagogical content knowledgeRolf Biehler (Germany)
Thomas Wassong (Germany)
9FTechnology for developing statistical thinking, reasoning, and literacyJill Fielding-Wells (Australia)
Markus Vogel (Germany)
9GEducational software for helping students learn statisticsDani Ben-Zvi (Israel)
Daniel Frischemeier (Germany)
9HFuture trends for technology in statistics education (panel discussion)Chris Wild (New Zealand)