This paper is from Session 9A: The design of digital tools and technology-enhanced learning environments for teaching statistics
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Friday 18th, 10:55-12:25)

A learning trajectory on hypothesis testing with TinkerPlots – design and exploratory evaluation




For a one semester course “Applied statistics – Understanding and solving complex problems via simulations with TinkerPlots” we designed and evaluated new learning material. The course follows an introductory course for statistics and probability and is meant as a focus on probability via simulation and inferential reasoning. At the end there is a four week learning trajectory on hypothesis testing and randomization tests with p-values. As new and innovative learning material for doing a simulation with TinkerPlots we developed a “simulation scheme”, which should help students either to plan, structure or document a simulation and to force them to explain their simulation. Some of the learning trajectories and the simulation scheme will be discussed in detail.