This paper is from Session 9A: The design of digital tools and technology-enhanced learning environments for teaching statistics
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Friday 18th, 10:55-12:25)

Students’ emergent roles in developing their reasoning about uncertainty and modeling




Roles that students take in solving problems can help in guiding and scaffolding their learning and meaning making. We present a case study – part of a UK-Israel research project – that focuses on the emerging roles spontaneously developed by Israeli eighth-grade students (14 years old) in solving a scientific-statistical inquiry task using TinkerPlots2. The task integrated four design approaches: Exploratory Data Analysis, Active Graphing, modeling, and gaming. We examine how this task design played a role in this emergence of students’ roles and how they respectively adopted perspectives on uncertainty and modeling. Implications of the findings are discussed.