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This is a session of Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Tuesday 15th, 15:45-17:15)

Technology for developing statistical thinking, reasoning, and literacy



Technology offers new possibilities for developing statistical thinking, reasoning, and literacy. Due to their calculating power and their networking possibilities, digital tools allow explorative interaction with data, production of variable dynamic visualizations, linkage of multiple representations, and for extensive calculation. Thus, one can get different perspectives on data by simple mouse clicks and virtual simulations can produce what-if-scenarios in front of the learners’ eyes. From a technological point of view everything that is needed for supporting the development of statistical thinking, reasoning and literacy seems to be available. However, having more possibilities means having more complexity, and from a cognitive perspective of processing multiple and dynamic linked representations, the question arises as to which different or even additional demands the learners have to meet when working with statistics in technology-based learning environments. Literature of research in the field of multimedia learning yields a lot of evidence that, aside from the advantages of multimedia learning, many students have various problems when they process technology-based learning environments. There is good reason for assuming that this would be the same in the field of learning statistics. Besides statistics content, the use of tools of multimedia support becomes a learning topic itself within the development of statistical thinking, reasoning, and literacy. Thus, technology content knowledge must be part of a curricular implementation of statistics. The session 9F “Technology for developing statistical thinking, reasoning, and literacy” focuses on the question of what such implementation of technology across the levels of schooling as well in pre-service teacher education could look like. This focus is supplemented by a psychological point of view on knowledge about chances and obstacles when learning with multimedia support.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
9F1Year six students’ reasoning about random “bunny hops” through the use of TinkerPlots and peer-to-peer dialogic interactionsSibel Kazak (United Kingdom)
Taro Fujita (United Kingdom)
Rupert Wegerif (United Kingdom)
9F2Technology for developing statistical thinking: a psychological perspectivePeter Sedlmeier (Germany)
9F3Integrating technology in regular statistics courses and assessments of pre-service teachersAndreas Eichler (Germany)