Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Developing statistical literacy: Case studies and lessons learned



Statistical literacy is a complex, multi-dimensional construct whose meaning and implementation evolves or changes with the characteristics of different functional contexts in which people have to function. This session examines several case studies involving efforts and educational practices aiming to develop statistical literacy of different populations of learners, both in formal education contexts as well as in informal, applied contexts involving adults. The case studies offer an opportunity to reflect on the conceptualization of statistical literacy and identify factors associated with its development.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
7D1Students’ beliefs about the benefit of statistical knowledge when perceiving information through daily mediaAlexandra Sturm (Germany)
Andreas Eichler (Germany)
7D2Changing the course: from boring numeracy to inspiring literacyKimmo Vehkalahti (Finland)
7D3A numeracy infusion course for higher education (NICHE): strategies for effective quantitative reasoning (QR) instructionEsther Isabelle Wilder (United States)
Dene Hurley (United States)
Frank Wang (United States)
Elin Waring (United States)
7D4Implementing a quantitative literacy core competency requirement in the College of Arts and Science at Miami UniversityJohn Bailer (United States)