This paper is from Session 7D: Developing statistical literacy: Case studies and lessons learned
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

Implementing a quantitative literacy core competency requirement in the College of Arts and Science at Miami University



Issues involved in a process of revising university learning requirements with the goal of enhancing students’ Quantitative literacy (QL) are reviewed. QL is often characterized as a habit of mind that is demonstrated by breadth of application in different disciplinary contexts. QL includes statistical literacy along with number sense and an appreciation of models of functional relationships. The implementation of a QL core competency requirement is described, and the use of a faculty learning community to develop and promote QL is discussed as is the importance of securing central administrative support. Developing a constituency of early QL promoters and a review structure with broad background is critical. Ultimately, a well-articulated collection of QL learning outcomes with examples of each is needed to help win over the skeptical and reluctant.