This paper is from Session 7D: Developing statistical literacy: Case studies and lessons learned
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

(Monday 14th, 13:45-15:45)

A numeracy infusion course for higher education (NICHE): strategies for effective quantitative reasoning (QR) instruction



  • Dene Hurley (The City University of New York, United States)
  • Elin Waring (The City University of New York, United States)
  • Frank Wang (LaGuardia Community College, United States)


Our Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE) teaches best practices for effective Quantitative Reasoning (QR) instruction to faculty in a wide range of disciplines. NICHE is a predominantly online course that consists of 8 separate units of relevance to the development of statistical literacy as well: (1) QR and Making Numbers Meaningful; (2) QR Learning Outcomes; (3) The Brain, Cognition and QR; (4) QR and Writing; (5) Discovery Methods; (6) Representations of Data; (7) QR Assessment; and (8) QR Stereotypes and Culture. This paper describes the key components of NICHE and shows how we employ the same strategies recognized as effective methods for teaching QR to our training of faculty as QR instructors. Examples from course activities, interactive discussions, and assessment data are presented.