This paper is from Session 9G: Educational software for helping students learn statistics
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which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)

Improving the attitudes of high school students towards statistics: an island-based approach




This pilot study examined the use of an online virtual environment, known as the Island, at a secondary school level, and investigated its ability to help improve student attitudes towards statistics. The Island-based learning activity aimed to achieve this by focusing on the exploratory nature of the Island, allowing students to experience statistical problem-solving. Pilot data were obtained from 88 ninth and tenth grade students, who completed a learning activity that required them to conduct a statistical investigation on the Island. Before and after questionnaires were administered in conjunction with the Island activity. Results indicated that student attitudes towards statistics improved significantly after the Island activity. This paper summarizes these findings and discusses implications and strategies for active learning and improving student attitudes. In addition, the outcomes of this study will be utilized to plan follow-up studies.