This paper is from Session 9E: Supporting teachers’ use of new statistics technology in their classrooms and development of their technological-pedagogical content knowledge
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which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Thursday 17th, 13:45-15:15)

Designing technology-rich learning environments for secondary teachers to explore and prepare to teach statistics


  • Sandra Madden (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, United States)


This paper examines design characteristics refined over seven years through studies with pre- and in-service secondary mathematics teachers in the United States. Teachers simultaneously explore big statistical ideas while learning to use a dynamic statistical software tool that is new to them. Most study participants have taken at least one university statistics course, yet surveys, interviews, and content assessments indicate fragile understanding of statistical content, procedurally dominated learning environments, and little use of technology in courses. Important considerations when supporting these learners include respecting the statistical understanding that is present and connecting to it strategically. Productive design characteristics that have been developed and refined include: 1) focusing on big statistical ideas; 2) providing provocative tasks; 3) attending to dynamic technology scaffolding; and 4) implementing sustained intellectual press.