This paper is from Session 9D: E-learning, E-teaching and E-assessment in fully online, blended and open virtual web-based courses
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Friday 18th, 13:45-15:45)

Statistical reasoning’s new look



“Statistical Reasoning in Public Health” is an introductory, two-quarter biostatistics class taught both online and in person to graduate students at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The emphasis of the S sequence is on developing the statistical literacy of enrolled students. The course has been taught for 16 years, and for the past 10 years has had the same instructor for the online and on-campus section. After several partial makeovers, and a questionable choice of incorporating Stata code into the course materials, a complete makeover was undertaken in 2013. This makeover was not only designed to unify the course materials, update the data and literature examples, and to provide more feedback opportunities for students, but also to ready the course for its Coursera debut in January 2014.