This paper is from Session 8F: Research on professional development of teachers in statistics
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Friday 18th, 13:45-15:45)

Teachers’ professional development in a stochastics investigation community




The aim of this work is to reveal how the formation processes adopted by this investigation community have enabled teacher’s learning and, consequently, the professional development of all of the involved ones; and how Stochastic favours investigations in basic school teachers’ pedagogical practice. It refers to a longitudinal study carried out by the investigation community composed by professors and basic school teachers who have Stochastic as their object of investigation. The group prepared sequences of teaching which were developed by the teachers at their classrooms, using audio and/or video recordings, besides students’ written notes. This material, along with teachers’ narratives, was taken as an object of discussion and analysis of the group. The results indicate how teachers have learned from their own experience and others’ by analysing videotapes of the classes.