Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Friday 18th, 13:45-15:45)

Research on professional development of teachers in statistics



This session aims to discuss some investigations that have been developed on the professional development of teachers in Statistics Education. The aim is to discuss the teaching practice in processes involving moments of guidance, discussion, evaluation and systematic reflection on pedagogical actions. Professional development in which the teacher who develops, supports and investigates the process, is engaged in work that requires the identification of the knowledge needed to carry out effective and meaningful teaching, recognize and analyze the way in which teachers construct their knowledge of teaching content, continuous learning of conceptual tools through activities and contextualized, didactic knowledge to produce the appropriate content to the school reality in which it is inserted. A very important aspect refers to reflection as a tool for professional development. Reflect on the own practice from several points of view, reflect on their students and reflect on their own professional development. The professional development process involves the idea of learning to become the subject of the learning process itself. Unable to expand knowledge, learn or decide by the teacher, it is the teacher who needs to feel motivated and mobilized to act. We understand that learning is the “engine” of professional development and change. Learning is reworking their own knowledge before their practice. Professional development involves building and discovering knowledge, strategies, attitudes different from those hitherto known and incorporate them into their teaching. Other times, it may occur on the basis of an analysis on their own knowledge and practices to keep them, confirming its value and pertinence, but advancing to broaden their critical reading and understanding of themselves and their expertise. Thus this session focuses on the potential of different research methodologies and on different strategies used in the process of teacher training.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
8F1Teachers’ professional development in a stochastics investigation communityAdair Mendes Nacarato (Brazil)
Regina Célia Grando (Brazil)
8F2A teacher development program in statistics within a community of practiceLucía Zapata-Cardona (Colombia)
8F3Professional development for teaching statistics: a collaborative action research project with middle-school mathematics teachersLeandro de Oliveira Souza (Brazil)
8F4Learning and teaching statistical investigations: a case study of a prospective teacherRaquel Santos (Portugal)
João Pedro da Ponte (Portugal)