This paper is from Session 2A: Early years statistics education: ages 4 - 8
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at school level

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

Establishing statistical foundations early: data modeling with young learners


  • Lyn English (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)


This paper addresses research from a three-year longitudinal study that engaged children in data modeling experiences from the beginning school year through to third year (6-8 years). A data modeling approach to statistical development differs in several ways from what is typically done in early classroom experiences with data. In particular, data modeling immerses children in problems that evolve from their own questions and reasoning, with core statistical foundations established early. These foundations include a focus on posing and refining statistical questions within and across contexts, structuring and representing data, making informal inferences, and developing conceptual, representational, and metarepresentational competence. Examples are presented of how young learners developed and sustained informal inferential reasoning and metarepresentational competence across the study to become “sophisticated statisticians”.