Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 2: Statistics education at school level

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

Early years statistics education: ages 4 - 8


Session chair: Katie Makar


This session will focus on the development of children’s understanding of data and chance in the early years of school. Young children have many informal experiences with data as they begin their formal instruction at school about the world of data. If children are to become successful navigators of the data stream that citizens encounter everyday, it is important to begin developing the concepts of statistical thinking at a young age and to allow children to progress through the evolution of these concepts as they become proficient in statistical reasoning. This session will consider teaching pedagogies, technology, and research on student learning that motivates and engages young students with data streams.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
2A1Important ideas in statistics for children aged 4-8 yearsDenise Spangler (United States)
2A2Establishing statistical foundations early: data modeling with young learnersLyn English (Australia)
2A3Exposing young children to activities that develop emergent inferential practices in statisticsDebra McPhee (Australia)
Katie Makar (Australia)