This paper is from Session 1A: Building the capacity of mathematics and science teachers to teach statistics
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which comes under Topic 1: Sustaining strengths and building capacity in statistics education

(Wednesday 16th, 10:55-12:25)

Building high school pre-service teachers’ knowledge to teach correlation and regression




In this paper we describe a workshop which was aimed to develop the knowledge needed to teach correlation and regression in high school teachers. The workshop was based on a formative cycle model used in our previous research and directed to simultaneously increase the teachers’ statistical and pedagogical knowledge. To develop the teachers’ knowledge of correlation and regression we proposed them to complete a statistical project based on real data taken from the UNESCO web server, followed by a collective discussion of their solutions to the tasks proposed in the project. A didactical analysis of the project helped them to increase their pedagogical content knowledge. Some results in a sample of prospective Spanish teachers will be briefly reported.