Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

(Thursday 17th, 13:45-15:15)

Statistical literacy beyond the classroom


  • Carl Lee (United States) : Session chair


How do we engage people in the learning of statistical literacy beyond a typical classroom setting? What are innovative methods by which the knowledge and concepts learned will be sustained and as an integral part of lifelong learning? This section welcomes papers addressing innovative methods and research work on teaching/learning statistical literacy beyond classroom. Some examples are methods for engaging adult learners, projects beyond classroom, serving learning involving communities, use of technology to engage students learning and using statistical literacy in global world and about the global world.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
7A1Odyssey: a journey to lifelong statistical literacyMilo Schield (United States)
7A2Teaching statistics for engagement beyond classroom wallsLawrence Lesser (United States)
7A3Taking statistical literacy to the masses with YouTube, blogging, Facebook and TwitterNicola Ward Petty (New Zealand)