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This is a session of Topic 6: Innovation and reform in teaching probability within statistics

(Tuesday 15th, 15:45-17:15)

Teachers’ awareness of conceptual connections between probability and statistics



Various difficulties with probability concepts and misleading intuitions about random events can act as barrier in the learning of statistics. Mathematics teachers’ awareness of the connection between statistical and probability concepts, can improve the teaching and consequently the learning of statistics and of probability as well. In this session we concentrate on professional development and teacher education approaches that intertwine probability and statistics. The session is focused on empirical studies focusing on teachers’ awareness of probability concepts when teaching statistics and ways in which they try to develop students’ probabilistic intuition. Various views from elementary and secondary level would provoke discussion for the similarities and differences between the two levels.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
6F1Teachers and students: from an intuitive approach to a rational evaluation of probabilityMaria Pia Perelli D’Argenzio (Italy)
Silio Rigatti-Luchini (Italy)
6F2Challenges for learning about distributions in courses for future Mathematics teachersMarcos Magalhães (Brazil)
6F3Odds that don’t add upMichael Fletcher (United Kingdom)