This paper is from Session 9E: Supporting teachers’ use of new statistics technology in their classrooms and development of their technological-pedagogical content knowledge
which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education
(Thursday 17th, 13:45-15:15)
How a curriculum may develop technological statistical knowledge: a case of teachers examining relationships among variables using Fathom
- Hollylynne Stohl Lee (North Carolina State University, United States)
- Jennifer Nickell (North Carolina State University, United States)
We report results from 74 preservice secondary mathematics teachers’ [PSMTs] examination of a multivariate dataset using dynamic statistical software (Fathom™). The PSMTs were enrolled in similar courses at four US-based institutions, using the same curriculum materials. Adapting Lee & Hollebrands’ (2011) framework, we present an analysis of aspects of Statistical Knowledge [SK], Technological Statistical Knowledge [TSK], and Pedagogical Statistical Knowledge [PSK] the materials were designed to teach, and aspects of SK, TSK, and PSK evident in teachers’ work.