Contributed paper list

   (Wednesday 16th, 10:55-12:25)   In session C10B

Learning statistics in the first grades


Susana Colaço (Portugal)


Statistics Education has received some attention in recent years, with particular emphasis in the first grades. We present an experiment that follows an exploratory approach performed in a 2nd grade class. The purpose is to understand how students in first grades undertake the collection, organization and analysis of data. The work presented aims to identify the main difficulties of these students and to understand to what extent the real context may or may not be a facilitator in this process. Finally, it will also be discussed, though briefly, the teacher’s role during this process. The results show that students have difficulties in representing the data using charts but, as far as the analysis of the data is concerned, the students, in most cases, can read and interpret the data presented. The data that refer back to a real context may facilitate carrying out the task but on the other hand, provides the existence of misinterpretations, often derived from the students’ own experience.