(Saturday 12th, 08:00-12:00)

IPUMS and IDHS Part 1: Teaching statistics with free online data from international censuses and health surveys



The IPUMS (Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, https://www.ipums.org) and the IDHS (Integrated Demographic & Health Surveys) are dissemination projects of the Minnesota Population Center (MPC). A leading developer and disseminator of demographic data, the MPC serves a broad audience of over 60,000 demographic and health researchers worldwide. The MPC partners with national statistical offices and other organizations worldwide to provide integrated and harmonized microdata and metadata free of charge to researchers and educators.

Part 1: Hands-on tour and tutorial on using free data and teaching tools

This is a hands-on session that will introduce participants to the power and ease-of-use of IPUMS and IDHS for teaching statistics using free data contributed by partner countries. Participants will be asked to bring their own laptops. After an introduction to the datasets, participants will do a series of exercises to showcase the interactive metadata available on the web, the customized microdata extract system, tabulator, researcher home page, and classroom registration system. At the end, we will give a brief presentation on other datasets available at the MPC. Morning-only participants will leave after lunch.

Includes lunch.

Note that participants will be able to attend Part 2 of this workshop (Workshop A2) for no extra charge after lunch, but must register for Part 2.

For questions and additional information, contact Patricia Kelly Hall at pkelly@umn.edu