This paper is from Session 8J: Research on technology in statistics education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

Constructing inferential concepts through bootstrap and randomization-test simulations: a case study




Statisticians such as Cobb (2007) have promoted the use of computer intensive methods such as bootstrapping and the randomization test in introductory statistics courses. One of their arguments for using these simulations is that the logic of inference is conceptually more accessible to students than the traditional approach. In this paper we test indirectly the claim that simulations assist in the construction of inferential concepts using an analytical tool that is based on the versatile thinking framework for conceptual development. Using the tool, which identifies nine possible modes of student interaction with representations, we analyse two introductory statistics students’ interactions with the Visual Inference Tools (VIT) bootstrap confidence interval construction and randomization test modules. Our findings suggest that, for these students, the VIT simulations were facilitating the development of statistical inferential concepts.