This paper is from Session 8A: Research on developing students’ reasoning using simulation methods for introductory statistical inference: Session I
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which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)

Designing and implementing an alternative teaching concept within a continuous professional development course for German secondary school teachers




New standards in mathematics at German high-school level laid a plethora of stress on teaching statistical inference in senior classes, a domain that enjoys little popularity among teachers. Their personal perception not being adequately trained in teaching statistics during their professional careers is considered as one possible explanation for this deplorable state of affairs. In 2013 the German Center for Mathematics Teacher Education (DZLM) implemented a specially designed continuous professional development (CPD) course for teaching statistical inference at high-school level using a new and illustrative teaching approach. This approach was designed by the authors of the paper by adopting main characteristics from new Anglo-American curricula and accommodating them to German syllabi. The paper will focus on presenting the design process of the teaching approach and its evaluation within the CPD course.