This paper is from Session 7E: Factors that affect statistical literacy
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which comes under Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

(Tuesday 15th, 15:45-17:15)

Critical thinking as an impact factor on statistical literacy – theoretical frameworks and results from an interview study




The theoretical frameworks of Critical Thinking (CT) and Statistical Thinking (ST) suggest an overlap – however, the quality of the connectedness of CT and ST has still not been described empirically in a satisfactory way. As elements of ST are a key prerequisite of statistical literacy, CT impacts on statistical literacy as well. This study hence focuses on the role of CT in the process of solving problems which require statistical literacy. A case analysis based on interview data provides insight into thinking processes and affords focusing such connections between CT and ST. The results support the hypothesis that thinking skills in both areas are interdependent and help to describe key intersection areas from a theoretical point of view: For instance, the interviewees’ use of strategies of evaluating claims has a high explanatory power and provides a combined framework from the CT and ST perspectives.