This paper is from Session 7C: Assessment of statistical literacy
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 7: Statistical literacy in the wider society

(Tuesday 15th, 10:55-12:25)

Towards statistical literacy - relating assessment to the real world



Students have different strengths and different approaches to learning so the assessment process should give opportunities for them to demonstrate their abilities and achieve the relevant learning outcomes. Reforms in statistical education at all levels place increasing emphasis on students’ abilities to think and reason statistically using real data in appropriate contexts. The huge expansion in technology has given access to various data sources and advances in statistical software have greatly expanded the range of analyses that can be conducted almost instantaneously. Hence there are varied assessment strategies in statistics, whether in specialist or service courses, in which students can be set realistic problems to solve. This talk will discuss some issues in the assessment of statistics, drawing upon the author’s experience in various projects over the years.