This paper is from Session 6A: Bayesian inference (probability) goes to school: meanings, tasks and instructional challenges
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which comes under Topic 6: Innovation and reform in teaching probability within statistics

(Monday 14th, 16:15-17:45)

Will the real Bayesian probablity please stand up!?



Whether examined from a mathematical perspective or especially from a philosophical perspective, as Bayesian inference (probability) enters school mathematics curricula worldwide it definitely brings with it “some baggage.” On its way to school, Bayesian inference (probability) will also pick up some baggage from the field of mathematics education (e.g., informal inference, “subjective” probability). Further adding to this baggage, mathematics and school mathematics are not one and the same. Through examining Bayesian inference (probability) from the perspectives of philosophy, mathematics, mathematics education and school mathematics (and popularization), this session will, ultimately, try to better establish what is meant by Bayesian inference (probability) it goes to school. In other words, “Will the real Bayesian probability please stand up!?”