This paper is from Session 5H: In search of evidence: exploring the relationship between real workplace based data and statistics education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education in the disciplines and the workplace

(Friday 18th, 10:55-12:25)

Supporting statistical consultant decision-making within a case-based learning environment




Ensuring that students are provided, from the very beginning, with opportunities to engage in activities and decision-making that will be expected of them at the conclusion of their program of study is rarely practised in higher education. Instead, instructor directed, method specific examples predominate course instruction. One reason for this gap may be too few instructional systems that adequately support a structured presentation of, engagement in, or management of the necessary scenario oriented content. This session will share the development of a case-based learning environment that enables faculty to challenge students to demonstrate their ability to successfully engage in open-ended analysis, evaluation, and application of content-specific knowledge within real-world statistical consulting contexts. Providing students with access to indicators of how well they are developing as new professionals throughout their program of study will be discussed.