This paper is from Session 5D: Development of statistical thinking in the workplace
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which comes under Topic 5: Statistics education in the disciplines and the workplace

(Monday 14th, 10:55-12:25)

Improving statistical literacy at university




At the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a range of introductory statistics and mathematics courses. Nearly one third of the first year students enrol in our introductory statistics courses. Given this level of interest we could consider our work done: we don’t! We have an integrated programme to improve statistical literacy across all the campus. In this presentation we discuss our work in supporting students with very low levels of numeracy via learning skills support, through to supporting postgraduate students with their higher level statistical needs. Rather than running these as separate programmes we have pulled all these levels of support together and have integrated them into the existing university structures. We now offer a university-wide statistical service.